新妻由佳子New Single 「小さき人」配信スタートしました✨
Recently the problem of bullying among children has become more serious and cruel. This song is for all the suffering children who are fighting alone every day in a small world surrounded by high walls with dead ends.
With the participation of the wonderful musicians and creators, we were able to create a work that we were very satisfied with from every corner, without a single speck of cloudiness.
Hope you like it!
作詞作曲:新妻由佳子 Music & Lyrics : Yukako Niizuma
編曲・ピアノ:五十嵐宏治 Piano and Arranger : Koji Igarashi
ギター:石成正人 Acoustic and Electric Guitar : Masato Ishinari
バイオリン・ヴィオラ:今野均 Violin and Viola : Hitoshi Konno
チェロ:村岡苑子 Cello : Sonoko Muraoka
レコーディング・ミックスエンジニア:北城浩志 Recording and Mix Engineer : Hiroshi Kitashiro
Vocal Editing: 中野定博 Vocal Editing : Sadahiro Nakano
イラスト・立案:Ricco. Illustrator : Ricco.
映像・監督:佐々木基有 Director : Motoari Sasaki